
Assisted Replacement

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

What is Laser-Assisted Hatching?

Laser-Assisted Hatching is a specialized technique used during IVF to help an embryo implant more easily. It involves creating a small opening in the zona pellucida, the protective outer shell of the embryo, using a precise laser. The laser targets and dissolves the zona cells without harming the embryo itself. This procedure is particularly helpful when frozen sperm or embryos are used, as freezing can sometimes toughen the zona pellucida, making it harder for the embryo to naturally hatch and implant.

Fertilization and Embryo Viability

Successful implantation of an embryo depends on its ability to hatch out of the zona pellucida and attach to the uterine lining, known as the endometrium. Timing is critical—if the embryo is transferred too early or too late, or if the conditions inside the uterus are not optimal, the chances of a successful pregnancy are reduced. Assisted hatching aims to support this process and improve the likelihood of implantation.

Assisted Reproductive Procedures

1. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a relatively simple procedure where semen is collected and introduced directly into the uterus via a catheter. This procedure can be done during a natural cycle, but using fertility medications can increase the chances of pregnancy by encouraging ovulation.

2. In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), commonly known as the “test tube baby” method, involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the body. The fertilized egg (embryo) is then transferred into the woman’s uterus. IVF is one of the most popular and effective treatments for infertility.

3. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
ICSI is a highly specialized technique used when sperm quality is poor. A single sperm is injected directly into an egg to achieve fertilization. This method is often used when sperm are retrieved surgically from the testis or epididymis due to ejaculatory issues or other sperm abnormalities.

Surgical Sperm Retrieval (SSR) Techniques

For men with ejaculatory disorders or no sperm in the ejaculate, SSR techniques are used, including:

  • Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)
  • Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)

These procedures help retrieve viable sperm directly from the reproductive organs.

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

If an IVF cycle produces multiple high-quality embryos, some can be frozen for later use. These embryos are preserved at extremely low temperatures, around -180°C, to maintain their viability. When ready, the woman takes medications to prepare her uterus for embryo transfer. Ultrasound is used to determine if the uterine lining is optimal for implantation.


Surrogacy involves transferring a fertilized egg and sperm (embryo) into the uterus of another woman (the surrogate), who will carry the pregnancy to term. This option is often recommended for women with issues like an absent or defective uterus, poor uterine lining, or repeated IVF failures.

Assisted Hatching

When IVF or ICSI cycles fail, assisted hatching can improve the chances of success. By altering the zona pellucida—either by thinning it or creating a small hole—this procedure helps the embryo break free and implant into the uterine lining more easily.

Donor Sperm

In cases of male infertility, such as azoospermia (no sperm) or low sperm count, donor sperm may be used. Donor sperm comes from healthy, pre-screened young men to ensure quality and safety.

Donor Eggs

Sometimes, the quality of a woman’s eggs may be insufficient for successful conception. In such cases, donor eggs can be used. These can be sourced from professional donors, family members, or through egg-sharing programs. The IVF process with donor eggs begins about a month before the actual cycle.

Benefits of ART Treatments

ART offers hope to many couples who previously struggled with infertility. It’s essential for couples facing these challenges to openly discuss their options. We provide free consultations with specialists at various super-specialty hospitals, helping couples navigate their fertility journey with expert guidance.

Each ART treatment is tailored to the unique needs of the couple, providing them with the best chance of success.

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