
Dr . B.N. Gorad

He pursued his MD Pathology from Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel-Mumbai. He has various publication in the field of cytology and histopathology, eg World Journal of Surgical Oncology March 2007, 5:28,; Cytojournal. 2007; 4:20; Vichows Archiv: an international journal of pathology 2008;453(2):141-53.

He pursued his MD Pathology from Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel-Mumbai. He has various publication in the field of cytology and histopathology, eg World Journal of Surgical Oncology March 2007, 5:28,; Cytojournal. 2007; 4:20; Vichows Archiv: an international journal of pathology 2008;453(2):141-53.

Get cases for review from many pathologists from Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Konkan region. He has worked as consultant pathologist at Micron Laboratories, Panvel & Kharghar for three years. Dr. B.N. Gorad is working as a chief pathologist and director of Impact Pathology since last three years.

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